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Bücher von Tina G. Patel

Dr Tina G. Patel completed her first degree in Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University. Having been awarded funding from a fully competitive scheme, she then spent 31/2 years at the University of Sheffield studying for the qualification of PhD, in a study looking at race, identity and child adoption policy. She was then appointed as a research fellow for a project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, at Nottingham Trent University, looking at school exclusion and successful youth transitions within African-Caribbean communities. In September 2004, Tina returned to Liverpool John Moores University to take up a post as a lecturer in Criminology and Sociology. Tina joined the University of Salford in September 2008, as a lecturer in Criminology (with a specialism in violence). Her research and teaching interests relate to `race', exclusion, police and violent behaviour. Here she carried out research into the policing of racist violence in Northern Ireland; vehicle crime in deprived neighbourhoods; the foster care and identity development of refugee status children; and, ethnic profiling in the North-west of England within the 'war on terror' context. Tina is currently undertaking research into victims' perceptions of racially motivated hate crimes. Tina's areas of expertise are: Race and ethnicity; Identity (racial); Racism and exclusion; The family (black families and transracial adoption); Black and minority ethnic communities; Marginalised groups and communities; School exclusion and black African Caribbean youth; Institutional racism; Police, policing and challenges (especially in Northern Ireland and Greater Manchester); and, Racist violence / harassment. Her published books include Race and Society (2016, SAGE), Race, Crime and Resistance (with David Tyrer, 2011, SAGE), Black Youth Matters (with Wright & Standen, 2010, Routledge), and Mixed-up Kids? Race, Identity and Social Order (2009, Russell House).
Race and Society von Tina G. Patel
Race and SocietyTina G. Patel
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Mixed-up Kids? von Tina G. Patel
Mixed-up Kids?Tina G. Patel
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Race, Crime and Resistance von Tina G. Patel
Race, Crime and ResistanceTina G. Patel
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