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Bücher von Wayne McDonell

WAYNE McDONELL is the Chief Currency Coach of FX Bootcamp ( www.fxbootcamp.com ), a live Forex training organization. He is a professional Forex trader, a member of the National Futures Association, and a registered Commodities Trading Advisor. Respected in the Forex industry as a successful trainer, McDonell is a regular speaker at major investing conferences and expos in Asia, Europe, and America. His videos are syndicated around the world on outlets including Forex Television, FXstreet.com, MoneyShow.com, and MSN. His live trading Webinars have attracted up to 1,000 traders each. McDonell has written "how-to" articles for investing magazines, such as Your Trading Edge and the FOREX Journal magazine. He has also received notoriety in the National Post, TechWeek, Interactive Week, and Inc . magazine to name a few.