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Critical Thinking Richard Paul

Critical Thinking von Richard Paul

Critical Thinking Richard Paul

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Critical Thinking Zusammenfassung

Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life Richard Paul

Critical Thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life: in your career, and as a consumer, citizen, friend, parent, and lover. Discover the core skills of effective thinking; then analyze your own thought processes, identify weaknesses, and overcome them. Learn how to translate more effective thinking into better decisions, less frustration, more wealth N and above all, greater confidence to pursue and achieve your most important goals in life.

Critical Thinking Bewertungen

"What sets this book apart from the others are the examples and exercises that force students to personally understand the relevance of the topic under discussion. That the reader must learn to 'know thyself.'"

-- Brian J. Shelley, York Technical Institute

"Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life provides a fresh insight regarding this seemingly ominous subject of Critical Thinking. The subject was so intriguing that, at times, I found the text much like a long awaited novel, hard to put down."

-- Jill Simons, Arkansas State University

"The material is written to arouse a student's curiousity by posing controversial and provocative'think for yourself' questions..."

-- Becky Goodman, University of Hawaii

"This text is unique in that certain core values and capabilities ('virtues') are requisite..."

-- Michael Craven, Clark College

"Critical Thinking...is superior to the usual 'shortcut/toolkit' type texts..."

-- Gary Greer, University of Houston, Downtown

Über Richard Paul

DR. RICHARD W. PAUL is Director of Research and Professional Development at the Center for Critical Thinking and the Chair of the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking. He has authored eight books and more than 200 articles on critical thinking. In over 35 years of teaching experience, he has won numerous awards and honors, including Distinguished Perry Lecturer for the year 2000.

DR. LINDA ELDER is an educational psychologist, President for the Foundation for Critical Thinking, and Executive Director of the Center for Critical Thinking. She is highly published and has done original research into the relation of thought and emotion. She is a regular keynoter at the International Conference on Critical Thinking and is a recognized leader in the field.



A Start-up Definition of Critical Thinking

How Skilled Are You as a Thinker?

Good Thinking Requires Hard Work

The Concept of Critical Thinking

Become a Critic of Your Thinking

Establish New Habits of Thought

Develop Confidence in Your Ability to Reason and Figure Things Out

1. Becoming a Fair-minded Thinker.

Weak vs. Strong Critical Thinking

What Does Fair-Mindedness Require?

Intellectual Humility: Strive to Discover the Extent of Their Ignorance

Intellectual Courage: Develop the Courage to Challenge Popular Beliefs

Intellectual Empathy: Learn to Empathically Enter Opposing Views

Intellectual Integrity:Hold Yourself to the Same Standards to Which They Hold Others

Intellectual Perseverance:Refuse to Give Up Easily, Work Your Way through Complexities and Frustration

Confidence in Reason:Respect Evidence and Reasoning and Value Them as Tools for Discovering the Truth

Intellectual Autonomy: Value Independence of Thought

Recognize the Interdependence of Intellectual Virtues


2. The First Four Stages of Development: At What Level Would You Place Yourself?

Stage One: The Unreflective Thinker

Stage Two: The Challenged Thinker

Stage Three: The Beginning Thinker

Stage Four: The Practicing Thinker

3. Self-Understanding.

Monitor the Egocentrism in Your Thought and Life

Make a Commitment to Fair-Mindedness

Recognize the Minds Three Distinctive Functions

Understand That You Have a Special Relationship to Your Mind

Connect Academic Subjects to Your Life and Problems

Learn Both Intellectually and Emotionally

4. The Parts of Thinking.

Reasoning Is Everywhere in Human Life

Reasoning Has Parts

A First Look at the Elements of Thought

An Everyday Example: Jack and Jill

Analysis of the Example

How the Parts of Thinking Fit Together

The Relationship between the Elements

The Best Thinkers Think to Some Purpose

The Best Thinkers Take Command of Concepts

The Best Thinkers Assess Information

Inert Information

Activated Ignorance

Activated Knowledge

The Best Thinkers Distinguish Between Inferences and Assumptions

The Best Thinkers Think through Implications

The Best Thinkers Think across Points of View

The Point of View of the Critical Thinker


5. The Standards for Thinking.

Taking a Deeper Look at Intellectual Standards

Clarity Accuracy Precision Relevance Depth Breadth Logicalness Significance Fairness

Bringing Together the Elements of Reasoning and the Intellectual Standards

Purpose, Goal, or End in View Question at Issue or Problem to Be Solved Point of View or Frame of Reference Information, Data, Experiences Concepts, Theories, Ideas Assumptions Implications and Consequences Inferences

Brief Guidelines for Using Intellectual Standards

6. Asking Questions That Lead to Good Thinking.

The Importance of Questioning

Dead Questions Reflect Inert Minds

Three Categories of Questions

Become a Socratic Questioner

Focus Your Thinking on the Type of Question Being Asked Focus Your Questions on Universal Intellectual Standards for Thought Focus Your Questions on the Elements of Thought Focus Your Questions on Prior Questions Focus Your Questions on Domains of Thinking


7. Master the Thinking, Master the Content.

Go Beyond Superficial Memorization to Deep Learning

The Relation of Content to Thinking

Understand Content through Thinking and Thinking through Content

All Content is Organized by Concepts

All Content is Logically Interdependent

Think Through Your Classes Using Your Knowledge of Thinking

A Caution

8. Discover How the Best Thinkers Learn.

18 Ideas for Improving Your Studies

The Logic of a Typical College Class

Becoming a Skilled Thinker

The Design of a Typical College Class and theTypical College Student

Figure Out the Underlying Concept of Your Courses

Figure Out the Form of Thinking Essential to Courses or Subjects

Think Within the Logic of the Subject

A Case: The Logic of Biochemistry

Make the Design of the Course Work for You

Sample Course: American History, 16001800

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Thinking

Figure Out the Logic of an Article or Essay

Figure Out the Logic of a Textbook

Criteria for Evaluating an Authors Reasoning

A Test to Repeat in Every Class & Subject

9. Redefining Grades as Levels of Thinking and Learning.

Develop Strategies for Assessing Your Learning

Use Student Profiles to Assess Your Performance

Exemplary Students (Grade of A)

High Performing Students (Grade of B)

Mixed-Quality Students (Grade of C)

Low-Performing Students (Grade of D or F)

Apply Student Profiles to Assess Your Performance Within Specific Disciplines

Exemplary Thinking asa Student of Psychology(Grade of A)

High-Performing Thinking asa Student of Psychology(Grade of B)

Mixed-Quality Thinking asa Student of Psychology(Grade of C)

Low-Performing Thinking asa Student of Psychology(Grade of D or F)


10. Making Decisions and Solving Problems.


Evaluating Patterns in Decision-Making

Big Decisions

The Logic of Decision-Making

Recognizing the Need for an Important Decision Accurately Recognizing the Alternatives Putting More Time into Your Decision-Making Being Systematic Dealing with One Major Decision at a Time Developing Knowledge of Your Ignorance

Dimensions of Decision-Making

The Early Decisions (211 Years of Age)

Adolescent Decisions (1217 Years of Age)



Becoming an Activist Problem-Solver

Evaluating Patterns in Your Problem-Solving

Dissolving Pseudo-Problems

False Needs and Irrational Ends

Big Problems

Dimensions of Problem-Solving

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Problem-Solving

Analyze Problems Using the Elements of Thought

The Art of Problem-Solving

11 Deal With Your Irrational Mind.


Understand Egocentric Thinking

Understand Egocentrism as a Mind within the Mind

Successful Egocentric Thinking

Unsuccessful Egocentric Thinking

Rational Thinking

Two Egocentric Functions

Egocentric Domination

Egocentric Submission

Pathological Tendencies of the Human Mind

Challenge the Pathological Tendencies of Your Minds

The Challenge of Rationality


The Nature of Sociocentrism

Social Stratification

Sociocentric Thinking Is Unconscious and Potentially Dangerous

Sociocentric Uses of Language

Disclose Sociocentric Thinking through Conceptual Analysis

Reveal Ideology at Work through Conceptual Analysis


Work to Free Yourself from Egocentric and Sociocentric Thought

12. How to Detect Media Bias and Propaganda in National and World News.

Democracy and the News Media

Myths That Obscure the Logic of the News Media

Objectivity in the News Media

Point of View

Forms of Objectivity

The Perception of Bias in the Mainstream

Propaganda and News Story Writing

Protecting the Home Audience from Guilt Feelings

Fostering Sociocentric Thinking

Slanting Stories to Favor Privileged Views

How to Obtain Useful Information from Propaganda and Standard News Stories

Steps in Becoming a Critical Consumer of the News

Media Awareness of Media Bias

Sensitivity to Advertisers

Sensitivity to Government

Sensitivity to Powerful Interests

Sensitivity to Their Competitors

The Bias toward Novelty and Sensationalism

Critical Consumers of the News

Questions for the News Media

Is It Possible for the News Media to Reform?

Is the Emergence of a Critical Society Possible?

Finding Alternative Sources of Information

Becoming an Independent Thinker

Buried, Ignored, or Underreported Stories

Using the Internet

Additional Alternative News Sources


An Abbreviated Glossary

13. Fallacies: The Art of Mental Trickery & Manipulation.

Truth & Deception in the Human Mind

Three Types of Thinkers

Uncritical Persons (intellectually unskilled thinkers)

Skilled Manipulators (weak-sense critical thinkers)

Fair-minded Critical Persons (strong-sense critical thinkers)

The Concept of Fallacies of Thought

Naming Fallacies

Mistakes Versus Fallacies

There is No Exhaustive List of Fallacies

Faulty Generalizations

Analyzing Generalizations

Post Hoc Generalizations

Analogies and Metaphors

44 Foul Waysto Win an Argument

Accuse Your Opponent of Doing What He is Accusing You of or worse

Accuse Him of Sliding down A Slippery Slope (that leads to disaster)

Appeal to Authority

Appeal to Experience

Appeal to Fear

Appeal to Pity (or sympathy)

Appeal to Popular Passions

Appeal to Tradition or Faith (the tried and true)

Assume a Posture of Righteousness

Attack the person (and not the argument)

Beg the Question

Call for Perfection (Demand impossible conditions)

Create a False Dilemma (the Great Either/Or)

Devise Analogies (and Metaphors) That Support Your View (even if they are misleading or false).

Question Your Opponents Conclusions

Create Misgivings: Where Theres Smoke, Theres Fire

Create A Straw Man

Deny or Defend Your Inconsistencies

Demonize His Side Sanitize Yours

Evade Questions, Gracefully

Flatter Your Audience

Hedge What You Say

Ignore the Evidence

Ignore the Main Point

Attack Evidence (That Undermines Your Case)

Insist Loudly on a Minor Point Use the Hard-Cruel-World Argument (to justify doing what is usually considered unethical).

Make (Sweeping) Glittering Generalizations

Make Much of Any Inconsistencies in Your Opponents Position

Make Your Opponent Look Ridiculous (Lost in the Laugh)

Oversimplify the Issue

Raise Nothing But Objections

Rewrite History (Have It Your Way)

Seek Your Vested Interests

Shift the Ground.

Shift the Burden of Proof

Spin, Spin, Spin

Talk in Vague Generalities.

Talk Double Talk Tell Big Lies Treat Abstract Words and Symbols As If They Were Real Things

Throw In A Red Herring (or two)

Throw in Some Statistics

Use Double Standards (whenever you can)

Fallacy Detection: Analyzing a Speech from the Past

Fallacy Detection: Analyzing a Current Presidential Speech

Fallacy Detection: Analyzing a Speech from a Presidential Candidate

Avoid Two Extremes: 1) Finding Fallacies Only in the Thinking of Others (None in Yourself), and 2) Finding an Equal Number of Fallacies in Everything you Read. Conclusion: Fallacies in an Ideal (And in a Real) World

14. Developing as an Ethical Reasoner.

Why People Are Confused About Ethics

The Fundamentals of Ethical Reasoning

Ethical Concepts and Principles The Universal Nature of Ethical Principles Distinguishing Ethics from Other Domains of Thinking Ethics and Religion Ethics and Social Conventions Ethics and the Law Ethics and Sexual Taboos Understanding Our Native Selfishness


15. Learning & Using Information Critically & Ethically, Part One: A Critique of Disciplines

The Ideal of Knowledge Acquisition

True Loyalty to a Discipline

The Gap between Fact and Ideal

The Ideal Compared to the Real

The Ideal of Mathematics: Abstract Quantification

The Ideal of Science: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Biology

The Ideal of Science: History, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Psychology

The Ideal of the Arts and Humanities: Music, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Dance, Literature, Philosophy


16. Learning & Using Information Critically & Ethically, Part Two: The Method & a Model Case

Realistic Understanding

Be a Critic, Not a Cynic

Recognize the Mental Nature of Knowledge

Develop Awareness of the Harm from Misuse of Information

Question Academic and Expert Information

Question the Status of Knowledge in a Field

A Model Case: Questioning Psychology and the Mental Health Professions

The Milligram Experiment

Scientific Studies in the Psychology

A Dark Side of the Mental Health Professions

Legitimizing Deeply Held Social Beliefs

Questioning Psychotherapy

Learning from Suspect Claims of Psychology and the Mental Health Professions

Thinking Psychologically: A Postscript

17. Strategic Thinking, Part One.

Understanding and Using Strategic Thinking

Components of Strategic Thinking

The Beginnings of Strategic Thinking

Key Idea 1 Thoughts, Feelings, and Desires are Interdependent

Key Idea 2 There Is a Logic to This, and You Can Figure It Out

Key Idea 3 For Thinking to Be of High Quality, We Must Routinely Assess It

18. Strategic Thinking, Part Two.

Key Idea 4 Understanding Our Native Egocentrism as a Default Mechanism

Key Idea 5 We Must Become Sensitive to the Egocentrism of Those around Us

Key Idea 6 The Mind Tends to Generalize Beyond the Original Experience

Key Idea 7 Egocentric Thinking Appears to the Mind as Rational

Key Idea 8 The Egocentric Mind Is Automatic in Nature

Key Idea 9 We Often Pursue Power Through Dominating or Submissive Behavior

Key Idea 10 Humans Are Naturally Sociocentric Animals

Key Idea 11 Developing Rationality Requires Work


19. Becoming an Advanced Thinker.

Practicing Skilled Thinking

Stage Five: Reaching the Advanced Stage of Development

Stage Six: Becoming a Master Thinker

Qualities of Mind of a Master Thinker

The Ideal Thinker


A. Critical Questions About Critical Thinking

B. Sample Analyses of The Logic of . . .

C Article: Iraq Is a Pediatricians Hell: No Way to Stop the Dying




Zusätzliche Informationen

Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life Richard Paul
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Pearson Education (US)
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