Fundraising For a Community Project by Simon Whaley

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Fundraising For a Community Project by Simon Whaley

Regular price CHF7.50
Condition - very good
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Regular price CHF7.50
Condition - very good
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Provides advice in plain language about what needs to be considered before completing an application form for funding. This book shows you where to get support and further advice; how to calculate realistic costs and how to collect baseline data and provide the necessary documentary evidence to back up the statements in an application form.

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  • Stolz darauf, eine B Corp zu sein – ein Unternehmen für das Gute

Fundraising For a Community Project by Simon Whaley

This book provides advice in plain language about what needs to be considered before completing an application form for funding; where to get support and further advice; how to calculate realistic costs and how to collect baseline data and provide the necessary documentary evidence to back up the statements in an application form.This book is an invaluable guide, for all grant applicants, including local community groups and those operating grant schemes, such as local authority officers or public/private partnerships. Contents: Section 1 - Applying for funding; 1. You and your project; 2. Finding advice and information; 3. Looking for funding; 4. Application forms; 5. What an appraiser is looking for; 6. The appraisal process; 7. The decision; 8. Project implementation; 9. Claiming your grant money; 10. Project completion; Appendices; Index.
'It's easy to read and talks you through the whole process step by step' Raw Edge Magazine
Simon Whaley has experience from both sides of the fence - as a grant applicant applying for money, and also as an Executive Officer for the Rural Development Commission assessing project applications and either recommending them for approval for grant funding or rejecting them. He also has 6 years' experience of working with community groups, the voluntary sector and grant funding agencies, and of supporting community projects in achieving their goals. He has regularly assisted at workshops and advice fairs to help guide community groups on how to apply for funding.
SKU GOR003306304
ISBN 13 9781845281748
ISBN 10 1845281748
Title Fundraising For a Community Project
Author Simon Whaley
Condition very good
Binding type Paperback
Publisher Little, Brown Book Group
Year published 2007-05-25
Number of pages 179
Cover note Die Abbildung des Buches dient nur Illustrationszwecken, die tatsächliche Bindung, das Cover und die Auflage können sich davon unterscheiden.
Note Dies ist ein gebrauchtes Buch. Es wurde schon einmal gelesen und weist von der früheren Nutzung Gebrauchsspuren auf. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es im Großen und Ganzen in einem sehr guten Zustand ist. Sollten Sie jedoch nicht vollständig zufrieden sein, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung.