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Bücher von A.C. Bradley

A.C. BRADLEY was Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford, UK, until his death in 1935.

ROBERT SHAUGHNESSY is Professor of Theatre at the University of Kent, UK. His books include Representing Shakespeare: England History and the RSC (1994) and The Shakespeare Effect: A History of Twentieth-Century Performance (2002); he has edited Shakespeare on Film (1998) and Shakespeare in Performance (2000). He is currently writing the volume on William Shakespeare for the Routledge Critical Guide series and editing the Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Popular Culture.
Shakespearean Tragedy von A.C. Bradley
Shakespearean TragedyA.C. Bradley
Shakespearean Tragedy von A. C. Bradley
Shakespearean TragedyA. C. Bradley
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Shakespearean Tragedy von A. C. Bradley
Shakespearean TragedyA. C. Bradley
Shakespearean Tragedy von A. C. Bradley
Shakespearean TragedyA. C. Bradley
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