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Bücher von Akio Mikuni

Akio Mikuni is one of the most universally respected analysts of the Japanese economy in the global financial community. He is the president and founder of Mikuni & Co. Ltd, Japan's leading independent, investor-supported bond-rating agency. Mikuni was named one of the fifty most influential individuals in Asia by Business Week in 1999. He also has been the subject of profiles in the Financial Times and Fortune. R. Taggart Murphy , a former investment banker, is foreign professor, College of International Studies, Tsukuba University, Japan, and a nonresident senior fellow in the Foreign Policy Studies program at the Brookings Institution. His recent books include The Weight of the Yen: How Denial Imperils America's Future and Ruins an Alliance (W. W. Norton, 1997) and Ugokanu Nihon e no Shohosen ( Prescriptions for a Japan That Is Not Moving ), (Mainichi Shinbunsha, 1998).

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