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Bücher von Alexander Davidson

ALEXANDER DAVIDSON is a leading financial journalist who has written widely for the national press. Formerly a successful City share--dealer, he has since worked in other areas of investment banking. He made his name with his first book The City Share Pushers, which was credited with changing the way parts of the City work. The book was serialised by News International and formed the basis of an acclaimed Channel 4 Despatches documentary. He also wrote the best--selling How to Win in a Volatile Stock Market. The author lives and works in London. This is his second novel, and his sixth book.
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How the City Really WorksAlexander Davidson
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The Money MythAlexander Davidson
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The SurvivorsAlexander Davidson
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How the City Really WorksAlexander Davidson
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Stock Market RollercoasterAlexander Davidson
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Blazers, Badges and BoatersAlexander Davidson
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How the City Really Works von Alexander Davidson
How the City Really WorksAlexander Davidson
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The City Share Pushers von Alexander Davidson
The City Share PushersAlexander Davidson
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