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Bücher von Ann M. Coulston (Nutrition Consultant, Santa Fe, NM, USA)

Ann M. Coulston, MS, RD, has a more than 20-year history of clinical research at Stanford University Medical Center where her research centered on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, the nutritional management of diabetes, and insulin resistance. She has provided nutrition consultation to the food and healthcare industry, public relations firms, and Internet companies. She is past-president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) and has been recognized by the American Dietetic Association Foundation for excellence in the practice of clinical nutrition and the practice of research. Carol J. Boushey, PHD, MPH, RD, is an Associate Researcher in the Epidemiology Program of the University of Hawaii Cancer Center and an Adjunct Professor in the Nutrition Science Department at Purdue University. Her research includes dietary assessment methods, dietary patterns, and quantitative methods. At the Cancer Center, she directs the Nutrition Shared Resource. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Mario G. Ferruzzi, PhD is a Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at Purdue University. His research interests are in the area of phytochemical bioavailability, metabolism and their role in chronic disease prevention. Additionally, he has industrial experience in product research and development. Prior to joining Purdue in 2004, he was a Research & Development Scientist with Nestle R&D in Marysville, OH and Lausanne, Switzerland. He is a member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), and the American Chemical Society (ACS).