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Bücher von Arno Geiger

Arno Geiger grew up in the Austrian Alps, in a village overlooking Lake Constance. His grandparents were farmers, his father was the local government clerk and his mother a primary school teacher. He studied German and comparative literature at university and his debut novel appeared in 1997. In 2005, he was awarded the inaugural German Book Prize, and his writing has won numerous other prizes. First published in 2011, his autobiographical The Old King in His Exile has now, with this translation into English, been translated into 28 languages. The memoir has won literary prizes, including the 2011 Friedrich Holderlin Prize, as well as prizes from medical societies in various countries, including the 2011 German Hospice and Palliative Care Association (DHPV) Award. He is married and lives in Vienna.
Es geht uns gut von Arno Geiger
Es geht uns gutArno Geiger
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Selbstportrait mit Flusspferd von Arno Geiger
Selbstportrait mit FlusspferdArno Geiger
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Der alte König in seinem Exil von Arno Geiger
Der alte König in seinem ExilArno Geiger
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Es geht uns gut von Arno Geiger
Es geht uns gutArno Geiger
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The old king in his exile von Arno Geiger
The old king in his exileArno Geiger
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Hinterland von Arno Geiger
HinterlandArno Geiger
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Hinterland von Arno Geiger
HinterlandArno Geiger
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Wszystko o Sally von Arno Geiger
Wszystko o SallyArno Geiger
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