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Bücher von Bill Renner

Bill Renner is a former NFL punter who played for the Green Bay Packers in 1986 and 1987 after a collegiate career at Virginia Tech.

Renner has directed punting and kicking camps since 1986 and has taught kickers throughout the United States since 1980. He has helped produce numerous all-district, all-state, all-region, and All-American performers.

Renner is a member of the American Football Coaches Association and the Virginia High School Coaches Association. He is currently head football coach and assistant athletic director at Langley High School (Virginia).

The author wrote his master's thesis on punting while earning an MS in exercise physiology from Virginia Tech University in 1983.

Renner and his wife Cindy have a daughter, Summer, and a son, Bryn. In his leisure time, Renner enjoys golf, skiing, and reading books.

Tom Taricani contributed his expertise to the soccer-style placekicking portion of the book. Tom is director of soccer-style kicking for the 4th Down Sports Kicking Camps. He has worked with the author for 10 years, developing and refining the teaching method that has proven so successful for hundreds of placekickers.