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Bücher von BJ Gallagher

BJ Gallagher is a sociologist, as well as an inspirational author and speaker. She writes business books that educate and empower, women's books that enlighten and entertain, and gift books that inspire and inform. Whether her audience is corporate executives, working women, or college students, her message is "The Power of Positive DOING." She motivates and teaches with empathy, understanding, and more than a little humor.BJ's international business best-seller, "A Peacock in the Land of Penguins" (Berrett-Koehler), has sold over 350,000 copies in 23 languages. Her self-help books include: "Why Don't I Do the Things I Know Are Good for Me?" (Berkley) and "It's Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been" (Viva Editions). Her spiritual books include: "If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats" (Hampton Roads) and "Being Buddha at Work" (Berrett-Koehler). BJ blogs weekly for Huffington Post and is a BeliefNet.com blogger as well. She has been featured on CBS Evening News with Bob Schieffer, the Today Show with Matt Lauer, Fox News, PBS, CNN, and other television and radio programs. She is quoted almost weekly in various newspapers, women's magazines, and websites, including: O the Oprah magazine, Redbook, Woman's World, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Orlando Sentinel, Financial Times (U.K.), Guardian (U.K.), MSNBC.com, CareerBuilder.com, CNN.com, Forbes.com, among others. Sam Beasley is a successful businessman entrepreneur who uses spiritual principles to establish and build and run his businesses. He is a charismatic speaker and dynamic workshop leader whose mission is to share what he's learned so that others may become successful and fulfilled as well. Dr. Ken Blanchard is the cofounder and Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies, an international management training and consulting firm that he and his wife, Margie Blanchard, founded in 1979. Ken's iconic 1982 classic, "The One Minute Manager," coauthored with Spencer Johnson, has sold more than 13 million copies and remains on bestseller lists today. In the past three decades he has authored or coauthored 60 books whose combined sales total more than 21 million copies. In 2005 Ken was inducted into Amazon's Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 bestselling authors of all time.