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Bücher von Brian W Salmon

Brian W Salmon (Author)
Brian W. Salmon, Doula, CLC, also known as Brian the Birth Guy, is a doula, a certified lactation counselor and a prenatal imaging specialist. He created the Rocking Dads childbirth class for birth partners and the Facilitating Fearless Birth class for couples. He has partnered with over 20,000 couples in his ultrasound clinics, birth classes, speaking engagements and hospitals as a doula. He is based in San Antonio, TX.

Kirsten Brunner (Author)
Kirsten Brunner, MA, LPC, is a perinatal mental health and relationship expert with over twenty years of clinical experience. She cofounded the website and workshop series, Baby Proofed Parents, which delivers sanity-saving and relationship-strengthening tools to expectant and new parents. She is based in Austin, TX.

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