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Bücher von Carola Zwick

Studio 7.5 is an international design team based in Berlin, Germany. Studio 7.5's design work covers a range of media - from product design to communication design. Professor Carola Zwick studied at the University of the Arts Berlin where she gained an MA in Industrial Design. In 1993 she joined the teaching body at the UoA Berlin as Assistant Professor and together with Burkhard Schmitz, she initiated the media group ID 5 within the design course. Carola Zwick has been teaching interface design at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal since 1998. Professor Burkhard Schmitz also studied at the University of Arts Berlin where he too gained an MA in Industrial Design. In 1989 he became Professor of media design at the University of Applied Sciences Schwabisch-Gmund, returning once more to the University of Arts Berlin in 1993 where he has taught interactive systems since. Imke Pienkos studied at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal and has an MA in Interface Design.