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Bücher von Clare Wilson

Clare originally studied Children's Illustration and then spent 12 years working in-house as a senior designer for leading greeting card publishers in the UK and as an artists' agent and design consultant in London. Clare is now freelancing from her home studio in the north Somerset countryside. She enjoys the challenge of creating work that makes children and adults alike smile! Nicola was raised by the seaside in beautiful Brighton. She loves reading, dancing, rhyming and turquoise things. She now lives with her husband and son in East London and spends her days writing and editing children's books. She has been nominated for the UKLA 2019 award. @NicolaBookFace
Manage Your Stress von Clare Wilson
Manage Your StressClare Wilson
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Farm Magnets von Clare Wilson
Farm MagnetsClare Wilson
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Dinosaur Magnets von Clare Wilson
Dinosaur MagnetsClare Wilson