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Bücher von Curtis Peebles

Curtis Peebles is a veteran freelance writer and historian. A writer in specialising in satellites, space flight and military aviation, Peebles is also a fellow of the British Interplanetary Society and a frequent contributor to its journal, as well as many other magazines. He is the author of SHADOW FLIGHTS: AMERICA'S SECRET WAR AGAINST THE SOVIET UNION, THE CORONA PROJECT: AMERICA'S FIRST SPY SATELLITES, GUARDIANS: STRATEGIC RECONNAISSANCE SATELLITES, and THE MOBY DICK PROJECT: RECONNAISSANCE BALLOONS OVER RUSSIA
Asteroids von Curtis Peebles
AsteroidsCurtis Peebles
5,69 €
Battle for Space von Curtis Peebles
Battle for SpaceCurtis Peebles
Sehr Gut
5,39 €
Twilight Warriors von Curtis Peebles
Twilight WarriorsCurtis Peebles
Sehr Gut
5,69 €
Shadow Flights von Curtis Peebles
Shadow FlightsCurtis Peebles
Sehr Gut
9,69 €
Watch the Skies! von Curtis Peebles
Watch the Skies!Curtis Peebles
Sehr Gut
36,99 €
Dark Eagles von Curtis Peebles
Dark EaglesCurtis Peebles
Sehr Gut
10,49 €