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Bücher von D. E. Meredith

D.E. MEREDITH read English at Cambridge, then ran the press office and the land mines campaign for the Red Cross, travelling extensively to Bosnia, Afghanistan and Rwanda during the conflicts. She worked as a consultant on media relations for Greenpeace and other worthy causes before embarking on "The Hatton and Roumande Mysteries" series for St Martin's Press (DEVOURED, Oct 2010, THE DEVIL'S RIBBON Oct 2011). She has two boys, a tall husband, a barking (mad) Parsons Terrier and lives at a secret location on the River Thames. When not writing, she runs, rides her bike like a lunatic or eats home made cake. Visit her online at demeredith.com.

The Devil's Ribbon von D E Meredith
The Devil's RibbonD E Meredith
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Devoured von D. E. Meredith
DevouredD. E. Meredith
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The Devil's Ribbon von D. E. Meredith
The Devil's RibbonD. E. Meredith
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Killer Women: Crime Club Anthology #1 von D E Meredith
Killer Women: Crime Club Anthology #1D E Meredith
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