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Bücher von Dag Solstad

Dag Solstad is one of Norway's leading contemporary authors. His work has consistently won critical acclaim and he is the only author to have received the Norwegian Literary Critics' Award three times. All three of his novels available in English have been listed for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize: Shyness and Dignity was shortlisted in 2007 and Novel 11, Book 18 and Professor Andersen's Night were longlisted for the 2009 and 2012 prizes respectively.
Elfter Roman, achtzehntes Buch von Dag Solstad
Elfter Roman, achtzehntes BuchDag Solstad
Sehr Gut
7,69 €
Professor Andersen's Night von Dag Solstad
Professor Andersen's NightDag Solstad
Sehr Gut
6,69 €
Novel 11, Book 18 von Dag Solstad
Novel 11, Book 18Dag Solstad
Sehr Gut
7,99 €
Armand V von Dag Solstad
Armand VDag Solstad
Wie Neu
13,99 €
Novel 11, Book 18 von Dag Solstad
Novel 11, Book 18Dag Solstad
Sehr Gut
20,99 €
Shyness and Dignity von Dag Solstad
Shyness and DignityDag Solstad
Sehr Gut
6,69 €
Professor Andersen's Night von Dag Solstad
Professor Andersen's NightDag Solstad
Sehr Gut
13,99 €