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Bücher von David Eagleman

David Eagleman is a neuroscientist, New York Times best-selling author, and Guggenheim Fellow who holds joint appointments in the Departments of Neuroscience and Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Dr. Eagleman's areas of research include time perception, vision, synesthesia, and the intersection of neuroscience with the legal system. Jonathan Downar is the director of the MRI-Guided rTMS Clinic at the University Health Network Hospital in Toronto, Canada, and a scientist at the Toronto Western Research Institute. He currently holds appointments with the Department of Psychiatry and the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto.
Sum von David Eagleman
SumDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
8,99 €
The Brain von David Eagleman
The BrainDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
14,99 €
Incognito von David Eagleman
IncognitoDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
7,69 €
Livewired von David Eagleman
LivewiredDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
9,99 €
Livewired von David Eagleman
LivewiredDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
10,49 €
?ncognito: Beynin Gizli Hayat? von David Eagleman
?ncognito: Beynin Gizli Hayat?David Eagleman
Sehr Gut
6,69 €
Livewired von David Eagleman
LivewiredDavid Eagleman
Wie Neu
12,49 €
Sum von David Eagleman
SumDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
18,99 €
Beyin Senin Hikayen von David Eagleman
Beyin Senin HikayenDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
11,99 €
The Brain von David Eagleman
The BrainDavid Eagleman
Wie Neu
19,99 €
The Runaway Species von David Eagleman
The Runaway SpeciesDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
10,49 €
The Runaway Species von David Eagleman
The Runaway SpeciesDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
14,49 €
Incognito von David Eagleman
IncognitoDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
10,99 €
The Runaway Species von David Eagleman
The Runaway SpeciesDavid Eagleman
Wie Neu
8,99 €
Sum von David Eagleman
SumDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
4,69 €
The Brain von David Eagleman
The BrainDavid Eagleman
Wie Neu
21,99 €
Incognito von David Eagleman
IncognitoDavid Eagleman
Wie Neu
8,39 €
Incognito von David Eagleman
IncognitoDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
5,69 €
The Brain von David Eagleman
The BrainDavid Eagleman
Sehr Gut
7,69 €