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Bücher von Derek Draper

Derek Draper has worked as a leadership consultant, business psychologist and executive coach for over twelve years. He is the CEO of CDP Leadership Consultants and was previously Head of Business Development for the UK and Europe at the global consultancy YSC. He has assessed and developed senior business people in twenty FTSE 100 companies and in some of the largest privately held companies in the world, across the UK, Nordics, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Africa. He also runs a psychotherapy practice and is a Governor of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Create Space von Derek Draper
Create SpaceDerek Draper
Sehr Gut
Life Support von Derek Draper
Life SupportDerek Draper
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Blair'S Hundred Days von Derek Draper
Blair'S Hundred DaysDerek Draper
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Create Space von Derek Draper
Create SpaceDerek Draper
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