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Bücher von Donella H. Meadows

Donella Meadows was Adjunct Professor of Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College, USA. Jorgen Randers is a policy analyst and President Emeritus at the Norwegian School of Management. Dennis Meadows is Professor of Systems Management and Director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research, University of New Hampshire, USA.
Groping in the Dark von Donella H. Meadows
Groping in the DarkDonella H. Meadows
Beyond the Limits von Donella H. Meadows
Beyond the LimitsDonella H. Meadows
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The Limits to Growth von Donella H. Meadows
The Limits to GrowthDonella H. Meadows
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Beyond the Limits von Donella H. Meadows
Beyond the LimitsDonella H. Meadows
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