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Bücher von Douglas Bors

Dr. Douglas Alexander Bors is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, the institution from which he received his Ph.D. For over three decades he has taught courses in statistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels ranging from the introductory level to multivariate statistics and structural equation modelling. He is also the Dean's Designate for Matter of Academic Integrity. He has served as a reviewer for several scholarly journals and has been a regular reviewer for Personality and Individual Differences. During his career his empirical research focused on problem solving and abstract reasoning. The short-form of the Advanced Raven's Progressive Matrices that he developed with Tonya Stokes is a widely used research instrument. Over the years he has acted as a consultant for major pharmaceutical firms as well as survey and marketing companies. Currently he is retained as a design and analysis consultant for a major marketing firm.

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