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Bücher von Dr Edwin Hoffman (Independent Consultant, Netherlands)

Dr Edwin Hoffman (Dutch nationality, born in Indonesia and living in Austria) works as an independent researcher, trainer and adviser in intercultural communication and diversity competence. Edwin is associated with the Alpen Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria as an external lecturer and is a regular guest lecturer at universities and universities of applied sciences. Edwin developed the TOPOI model: a systemic framework of points of attention and interventions for diversity-sensitive communication. He is the author of several publications, including the main publications Interculturele gespreksvoering: Theorie en Praktijk van het TOPOI model (in Dutch, 2013, revised edition 2018), Interkulturelle Gesprachsfuhrung: Theorie und Praxis des TOPOI Modells (Intercultural conversation: Theory and Practice of the TOPOI model) (in German, 2015), and, as co-author, De stille kracht van leiderschap: Een Indisch perspectief (The silent power of leadership: An 'Indo' perspective) (2008). Arjan Verdooren was born and raised in one of Amsterdam's most multicultural suburbs. During his studies in Communication, he developed a deep interest in intercultural communication. After receiving his MSc, he started working for the Royal Tropical Institute (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen), an independent knowledge centre for international and intercultural cooperation, as a trainer and consultant of intercultural communication, intercultural competence and cultural diversity. Over the years, he has worked with a wide range of clients, ranging from companies to schools and professional football organizations. He is also a regular guest lecturer at several universities and universities of applied sciences. Arjan sees it as his main contribution to the intercultural field to connect theory and practice and has published several articles for professional and academic journals. He is still associated with the Royal Tropical Institute and divides his time between Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Goeteborg, Sweden.

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