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Bücher von Eddie Jaku

Eddie Jaku OAM was born Abraham Jakubowicz in Germany in 1920.

In World War II, Eddie was imprisoned in Buchenwald and Auschwitz concentration camps. In 1945, he was sent on a death march but escaped. Finally, he was rescued by Allied soldiers.

In 1950, he moved with family to Australia. Eddie volunteered at the Sydney Jewish Museum since its inception in 1992.

Eddie and Flore were married for seventy-five years, with two sons, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

He died in October 2021, at the age of one hundred and one. His book has been translated into thirty-seven languages and his message continues to be shared around the world.

The Happiest Man on Earth von Eddie Jaku
The Happiest Man on EarthEddie Jaku
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