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Bücher von Esther Breitenbach

BARBARA BAGILHOLE Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Loughborough ANGELA COYLE Professor of Sociology, City University IAN FORBES Professor and Head, School of Politics, University of Nottingham ELLEN KELLY Equalities Manager, City of Edinburgh Council GAIL LEWIS Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, Open University DAVID MASON Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean for Research and Head of the Graduate School, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Plymouth JANET NEWMAN Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, University of Birmingham TERESA REES Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Cardiff and Equal Opportunities Commissioner for Wales MARION SCOTT Women's Equalities Unit, London Borough of Islington, 1988-1997 MANDY WRIGHT Assistant Director, Employment Advice and Equalities, Employer's Organization for Local Government
Out of Bounds von Esther Breitenbach
Out of BoundsEsther Breitenbach
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