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Bücher von Fredrik Arnander

Fredrik Arnander represents a generation of internet entrepreneurs and a business movement that stretches from Silicon Valley to London and Stockholm.

Formerly a management consultant, he has also been a partner at the global web agency Icon Medialab, which started in Sweden in 1996. In 1998, he founded Fondex, one of Europe's first supermarkets for mutual funds on the internet. He sold the company in 2000 to become a member of the international executive team at Moneyextra.com, the UK's leading portal for personal finance. Today, Fredrik Arnander sits on several boards in start-ups and is engaged in new ventures. He is also the founder of Transfer, a non-profit organization for knowledge sharing between schools and the high-tech industry.


is his second book, and his first to be published in English.

"Managing.com is about managing and leading in a chaotic and dynamic environment. It's based on the hard lessons of starting and growing internet companies. So this is a handbook about the things we learned, about what works and what doesn't. About managing the future, day by day."

Fredrik Arnander

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