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Bücher von Geoff Holland

Geoff Holland was awarded a BSc and MSc in Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics from London University, before becoming a scientific officer for the UK Government Hydraulic Research Station in Wallingford (1957-67). He then emigrated to Canada and spent 32 years working in ocean science with the Canadian government, culminating with a position as Director General, Ocean Sciences and Services. During this time, he served on many national committees dealing with issues such as climate, energy, offshore resources, pollution, ocean data buoys and remote sensing. He was appointed Chairman of the International Maritime Organisation 1985-1989, overseeing the discussions leading to the ban on the ocean disposal of low-level radioactive waste. He was then made Chairman of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) 1995-1999. Mr Holland retired in 1999 and has since been appointed Canadian 'Ocean Ambassador' by the Minister for Fisheries and Oceans. David Pugh was awarded a PhD in Geodesy and Geophysics from the University of Cambridge in 1968 before joining the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory in Merseyside. In 1984 he became Head of Oceanography, Hydrology and Meteorology, Science Division, for the UK National Environment Research Council. He has also served as Secretary to the United Kingdom Government Committee on Marine Science and Technology and was elected President of the IOC (2003-2007), having previously been the Founding Chairman of the IOC Global Sea Level network, GLOSS. Dr Pugh maintains an active program of research associated with Liverpool University and the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. His interests include tides, surges, mean sea level, coastal management and climate change, the economics of marine activities related to GDP, and the history of sea level, and he is the author of two other books. He received an award from the Queen in 2003 for his services to marine sciences.

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