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Bücher von George Calhoun

George Calhoun is a professor, and founding director of the Quantitative Finance Program at the Stevens Institute of Technology. He is also is executive director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Center at Stevens, and area coordinator for the graduate and undergraduate finance programs at Stevens. George is the series editor for the Stevens Series in Quantitative Finance & Data Sciences, a book series launched in 2014 with Springer/Apress. He has a PhD from the Wharton School. George has 30 years of experience in the technology industry: in executive and board-level positions at several public companies, including as CEO, chairman of the board (two companies), and audit committee chairman (four companies). He has extensive experience in capital acquisition through public offerings (five), convertible and straight debt offerings, private placements, joint ventures, and venture capital transactions. And he is the author of three books on advanced signal processing technology and applications to the telecommunications field.

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