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Bücher von Gillian Clark

Gillian Clark was born in Caversham and lived in Reading most of her life. She attended Caversham Primary School and then the Abbey School, Reading. She, and her brother and sister, grew up in a riverside house in a family with a boat business. Childhood was a time of great freedom to swim and enjoy boating, parents taking the view, like the father of Arthur Ransome's Swallows, that 'if not duffers, won't drown'. There were few divisions between home and the boathouse and every one helped to pump out boats or ferry customers to the moorings as a matter of course. Hons Degree in Botany, Worked briefly at Suttons and at Simonds and then at Whitbreads Brewery, and after marriage and two children, at Reading University, where she did PhD in history as mature student, moved to Berks CC Social Services, and now in retirement looks after the Berkshire adoption and in-care records and works freelance on records projects. This has made her a strong advocate of today's documents being kept securely to become tomorrow's archives and this belief, together with a wish to describe life alongside the river as she remembers it and heard about it, lies behind the writing of the book. She has written extensively on the Foundling Hospital and its tokens, infant clothing, mother and baby homes, adoption, epidemic death and records retention and management.