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Bücher von Grace Hawthorne

Grace Hawthorne is the creator and founder of Paper Punk, a cofounder of "ReadyMade" magazine, and a coauthor of the award-winning book, "ReadyMade: How to Make Almost Everything" (Crown/Potter, 2005). Her artwork has been exhibited in several national museums including the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum's Triennial. She is also a Consulting Associate Professor at Stanford's Institute of Design (aka: the dschool). She lives in Mill Valley, CA.
Paper Punk is an innovative paper-based building toy that provides endless imaginative and creative play for humans of all ages. It was founded with a simple ambition - to enable people to exercise their creativity and make things with their hands. Four simple steps: Punch out...fold...build...customize! No need for scissors or glue -- everything readers need is included. Paper Punk is a creativity tool that's as much an art form as it is a toy.

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