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Bücher von Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus

Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus pursued his studies in business administration at the University of St. Gallen, which he completed in 1993 by receiving his Dr. oec. He has headed Reckhaus GmbH & Co KG in Bielefeld since 1995 in the second generation as the executive manager. With the quality seal "Insect Respect" launched in 2012, Reckhaus strives for sustainable transformation in his sector. He was awarded the German Visionary Prize for this in 2014. This globally unique compensation model was triggered by a dialog with the Swiss conceptual artists Frank and Patrik Riklin. They initiated the countermovement "saving instead of killing" and in 2012, implemented the "Saving the flies" action together with Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus. The entrepreneur regularly gives lectures and publishes about issues regarding SME leadership and sustainability.

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