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Bücher von Hans Eysenck

Hans J. Eysenck (1916-1997), was professor of psychology at the University of London and the director of its psychological department at the Institute of Psychiatry. Among his many books are Rebel with a Cause, Dimensions of Personality, and Intelligence, all available from Transaction. Sybil B. G. Eysenck, wife of the late author, is co-director of Personality Investigations, Publications and Services (PIPS), an organization devoted to the promotion of the writings and research of Hans J. Eysenck. She is the co-author, with Hans Eysenck, of Psychoticism as a Dimension of Personality and Personality Structure and Measurement and the co-editor, with Donald Saklofske, of Individual Differences in Children and Adolescents, published by Transaction.
Know Your Own IQ von Hans Eysenck
Know Your Own IQHans Eysenck
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The Biological Basis of Personality von Hans Eysenck
The Biological Basis of PersonalityHans Eysenck
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Intelligence von Hans Eysenck
IntelligenceHans Eysenck
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Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire von Hans Eysenck
Decline and Fall of the Freudian EmpireHans Eysenck
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Fact And Fiction in Psychology von Hans Eysenck
Fact And Fiction in PsychologyHans Eysenck
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Know Your Own Personality von Hans Eysenck
Know Your Own PersonalityHans Eysenck
Check Your Own I.Q. von Hans Eysenck
Check Your Own I.Q.Hans Eysenck
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Psychology is About People von Hans Eysenck
Psychology is About PeopleHans Eysenck
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Uses And Abuses of Psychology von Hans Eysenck
Uses And Abuses of PsychologyHans Eysenck
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