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Bücher von Helen Gilbert

HELEN GILBERT is Professor of Theatre at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, and co-convenor of the College's interdisciplinary Postcolonial Research Group. Her books include Sightlines: Race, Gender and Nation in Contemporary Australian Theatre (1998), Post-colonial Drama: Theory, Practice, Politics (with Joanne Tompkins, 1996) and Postcolonial Plays: An Anthology (2001).

JACQUELINE LO is Reader in English and Head of the School of Humanities at the Australian National University, Australia. She is the author of Staging Nation: English Language Theatre in Malaysia and Singapore (2004) and Chair of the Asian Australian Studies Research Network.
Postcolonial Plays von Helen Gilbert
Postcolonial PlaysHelen Gilbert
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Post-Colonial Drama von Helen Gilbert
Post-Colonial DramaHelen Gilbert
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