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Bücher von Humberto Barreto (Wabash College, Indiana)

Humberto Barreto is DeVore Professor of Economics at Wabash College, Indiana. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Professor Barreto has lectured often on teaching economics with computer-based methods, including the National Science Foundation's Chautuqua program for short courses using simulation. He has received the Indiana Sears Roebuck Teaching Award and the Wabash College McLain-McTurnan Arnold Award for Teaching Excellence. The author of The Entrepreneur in Microeconomic Theory, Professor Barreto has served as a Fulbright Scholar in the Dominican Republic. He is the manager of electronic information for the History of Economics Society and the director of the opportunities to Learn about Business program at Wabash College. Frank M. Howland is Associate Professor of Economics at Wabash College. He earned his PhD in Economics from Stanford University. Professor Howland was a visiting researcher at FEDEA on Madrid in 1995-6. His academic research focuses on college savings plans.

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