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Bücher von Iwer Thor Lorenzen

IWER THOR LORENZEN (1895-1976) was born in Harrislee Flensburg, Germany, and began his career as a teacher in 1914. Whilst serving in the First World War, he became acquainted with anthroposophy - as founded by Rudolf Steiner - through a fellow soldier. After the war he returned to teaching, later moving into special education. He set up his own school near Hamburg in 1949 where he remained until his retirement. Having worked as a volunteer in the Zoological State Institute in Hamburg from 1935 onwards, Lorenzen was also a biologist who was revered for his love and knowledge of beekeeping, particularly amongst biodynamic farmers. He published his key work on beekeeping (published in English as The Spiritual Foundations of Beekeeping (Temple Lodge 2017) in 1938 and wrote another nine books as well as numerous articles on the insect and animal world, metamorphosis and evolution.