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Bücher von Jacob Burckhardt

Jacob Burckhardt was one of the greatest historians of the nineteenth century. He is best-known for his monumental Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, two editions of which are currently in print (Penguin 1990 and Phaidon 1995).
Oswyn Murray is a Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at Balliol College, Oxford and the editor of the Fontana History of the Ancient World series.
Sheila Stern is a translator and critic. She was married to J. P. Stern, author of Hitler: The Fuhrer and the People.

The State as a Work of Art von Jacob Burckhardt
The State as a Work of ArtJacob Burckhardt
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Der Cicerone von Jacob Burckhardt
Der CiceroneJacob Burckhardt
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The Greeks and Greek Civilization von Jacob Burckhardt
The Greeks and Greek CivilizationJacob Burckhardt
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