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Bücher von James Watkins

Previous books and chapters written by the author: Books: WATKINS, J. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal SystemChampaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 1999, 376 pp. ISBN 0-88011-686-2 WATKINS, J. Estrutura e Funcao do Sistema MusculoesqueleticoSao Paulo: Artmed Editora , 2001, 383 pp. ISBN 0-88011-686-2 Portuguese edition of Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System WATKINS, J. An Introduction to Mechanics of Human Movement Lancaster: MTP Press, 1983, 146 pp. ISBN 0-85200-492-3 WATKINS, J., REILLY, T. & BURWITZ, L. (Eds.) Sports Science London: E. & F.N.Spon, 1986, 412 pp. ISBN 0-419-13930-3 REILLY, T., WATKINS, J. & BORMS, J. (Eds.) Kinanthropometry III London: E. & F.N.Spon, 1986, 312 pp. ISBN 0-419-13970-2 Book chapters: WATKINS, J. In Press. Basic biomechanics of gait. In D.L. Lorimer, G. J. French, M. O' Donnell and J. G. Burrow (Eds), Neale's Disorders of the Foot: Diagnosis and Management. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 7th edition. WATKINS, J. In Press Structure and function of the foot. In D.L. Lorimer, G. J. French, M. O' Donnell and J. G. Burrow (Eds), Neale's Disorders of the Foot: Diagnosis and Management. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 7th edition. WATKINS, J. Structure and function of the foot. In D.L. Lorimer, G. J. French, M. O' Donnell and J. G. Burrow (Eds), Neale's Disorders of the Foot: Diagnosis and Management, 6th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2001, p1-22. ISBN 0443-0644-15 WATKINS, J. Biomechanics of movement. In N. Armstrong and W. Van Mechelen (Eds), Textbook of Paediatric Exercise Science and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p107-122. ISBN 0-19-262977-8 WATKINS, J. Injuries in volleyball. In P. Renstrom (Ed). Clinical Practice of Sports Injury: Prevention and CareOxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1994, p360-374. WATKINS, J. An overview of sports-related lower-limb epiphyseal injuries. In G. Gleeson (Ed). The Growing Child in Competitive Sport. Sevenoaks: Ho