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Bücher von Joan Damry

Joan Damry was born in Galbraith, Scotland, one of nine children crammed happily into a two-up two-down with an outside toilet. Devoted mother of five and wife to coma-bound husband Ralph, Joan is also a life coach, psychogenital counsellor, much admired TED-talk speaker, accomplished flautist and writer of a bestselling erotic fiction series. Joan has been married six times. Jericha Domain is proud to be British. Dedicated mother and tender wife (though her husband Philip spends 98% of his time running a Boy Scout school in Thailand), Jericha is also an award-winning writer having penned five books on depression, and another entitled Wild Lady Swims: A guide to Britain's Most Polluted Waterways. A keen front crawler, Jericha is often seen pounding up and down the Regent's Canal, dodging oncoming craft in her russet tankini and homemade flippers.