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Bücher von John Gosney

John W. Gosney is currently the director of information technology for the Indiana University School of Dentistry. He is also associate faculty for the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts, where he teaches a variety of literature and English courses, including a course that focuses on literature for adolescents: this course highlights the uniquely adolescent themes that can often be found in any work of fiction, regardless of genre or subject. Through the use of novel pedagogies (including the integration of problem-based learning) John encourages his students ' many of whom will be secondary education teachers ' to consider and explore the 'teen themes' that can be found in any work of fiction, and to thus specifically interpret these texts for a younger audience. Through his teaching and research, John is also interested in how technology ' especially Web-based technologies ' can further enhance the delivery of curriculum to both secondary and post-secondary students, across a broad spectrum of subjects and issues. John received his B.A. in technical writing and psychobiology from Purdue University. In 1996, he was awarded an M.A. in English from Butler University. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his family that, along with two young boys, just happens to include a precocious twelve-year-old 'pre-teen' daughter thus keeping John acutely interested and in touch with how young people are using technology to communicate with their peers and (it is hoped!) better communicate with their parents.