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Bücher von John Needham

John Needham has lived in Bournemouth all his life. He has had many jobs through his career, working for Plessey's/Siemens, working in Southampton on gas turbines, in London for Tate & Lyle, traveling the world looking at sugar refineries, and then onto the gas and oil industry. A dedicated collector of old images of Bournemouth, John devotes his spare time to writing local history books.
Bournemouth Then & Now von John Needham
Bournemouth Then & NowJohn Needham
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Christchurch Then & Now von John Needham
Christchurch Then & NowJohn Needham
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Bournemouth von John Needham
BournemouthJohn Needham
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Bournemouth Past & Present von John Needham
Bournemouth Past & PresentJohn Needham
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