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Bücher von John Stack

John Stack's first novel, Ship of Rome, went straight into the Sunday Times bestseller charts. Captain of Rome is the follow-up to that novel and the second book in the Masters of the Sea series. John Stack lives in County Cork in Ireland and is married with three children.
Captain of Rome von John Stack
Captain of RomeJohn Stack
Wie Neu
Master of Rome von John Stack
Master of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Ship of Rome von John Stack
Ship of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Captain of Rome von John Stack
Captain of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Captain of Rome von John Stack
Captain of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Armada von John Stack
ArmadaJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Armada von John Stack
ArmadaJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Master of Rome von John Stack
Master of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Master Of Rome von John Stack
Master Of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Ship of Rome von John Stack
Ship of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Armada von John Stack
ArmadaJohn Stack
Sehr Gut
Master of Rome von John Stack
Master of RomeJohn Stack
Sehr Gut