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Bücher von Kathy Willis

KATHY WILLIS is Director of Science at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She is also Professor of Biodiversity and a Fellow of Merton College, both at Oxford University. Winner of several awards, she has spent over twenty-five years researching and teaching biodiversity and conservation at Oxford and Cambridge.

CAROLYN FRY is a freelance science writer. She has written seven successful books, including Plant Hunters, winner of the European Garden Book Prize. Formerly Editor of the Royal Geographical Society's magazine, Geographical, her work has been published in New Scientist, BBC Online, Telegraph, Guardian, The Times and Independent on Sunday.

Plants: From Roots to Riches von Kathy Willis
Plants: From Roots to RichesKathy Willis
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Plants: From Roots to Riches von Kathy Willis
Plants: From Roots to RichesKathy Willis
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