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Bücher von Kenneth T. Delavigne

Kenneth T. Delavigne is an independent consultant and teacher in Quality Methods. He previously served a 24-year tenure with IBM--where, for over 12 years, he was involved in the quality area. Mr. Delavigne became a student of Deming's in 1982, and recently assisted Dr. Deming in teaching one of his four-day seminars.

J. Daniel Robertson is Director, Customer Repair Services, 3Com Corporation, Santa Clara, CA. For 21 years, he has worked as an engineer and manager of high tech manufacturing and customer service operations in California's Silicon Valley. Mr. Robertson was introduced to Dr. Deming's theories in 1980 at Hewlett Packard where he applied the philosophy to both production and administrative processes. At 3Com Corp., he applied Deming's teachings to build a high volume organization where the culture was one of "quality being everyone's responsibility."

Deming's Profound Changes von Kenneth T. Delavigne
Deming's Profound ChangesKenneth T. Delavigne
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