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Bücher von Lars Larsson

Lars Larsson is a Swedish law school student from Stockholm, where he was born and raised. He has been interested in the Second World War since he was a child, an interest he traces back to his father. He began to specialise in the Waffen SS when he was about 12 years old, particularly when he found out there had been Swedish volunteers within their ranks. A few years later he started to research the subject in depth, and this book, which is his first, is the result of about seven years of archival research. Apart from his own research, he has also assisted several other authors with their works, including two books about the Estonian SS volunteers, one about the Nordland Division, and one about Norwegian SS officers. Besides studying, he's also currently working at the Swedish Library of Military History as a project manager. Whatever time he has left the end of the day, he enjoys spending with his family.

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