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Bücher von Lee Coppock (University of Virginia)

Lee Coppock is Professor and Undergraduate Director in the Economics Department at the University of Virginia. He has been teaching principles of economics for over twenty years, specializing in principles of macroeconomics. Before moving to UVA, he spent 9 years at Hillsdale College, where he learned how to reach college students. At UVA, Lee teaches two large sections (500+) of macro principles each spring. He has received teaching awards at both Hillsdale College and UVA. Lee lives in Charlottesville with his wife Krista and their four children: Bethany, Lee III, Kara, and Jackson. Dirk Mateer has a Ph.D. from Florida State University and is the Senior Lecturer and Gerald Swanson Chair of Economic Education at the University of Arizona. Dirk has been teaching Principles of Economics for over twenty years; he specializes in the Principles of Microeconomics. Before moving to the University of Arizona, Dirk spent 1 year at the University of Kentucky developing their online Principles courses and 15 years at Penn State where he taught very large classes (700 plus students per lecture), developing a reputation as one of the most effective and creative instructors of Principles of Economics in the country; for this, he was recently featured in Businessweek.

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