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Bücher von Maria C.W. Peeters

Maria Peeters is Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and a licensed occupational health psychologist. Her research interests include job stress, work motivation, job performance, work-home interaction, and aging at work. She has published many book chapters as well as articles on these topics in today s leading scientific journals. Jan de Jonge is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Vice-Dean of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences. He is a licensed work and organizational psychologist as well as a licensed occupational health psychologist. His research interests include the optimization of performance at work and at sports, and he has published well over a hundred articles, books and chapters. Until recently, he served as the Editor of the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Toon Taris is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He is currently Scientific Editor of Work & Stress and serves on the boards of several other international journals. He has published hundreds of articles and chapters on topics such as occupational health, stress, engagement, workaholism, authenticity at work, as well as on longitudinal research methods and nonresponse, in journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior and the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

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