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Bücher von Maria Hummel

Maria Hummel is an award-winning poet who has written for "The Georgia Review, Green Mountains Review, " and other publications. She is also the author of "House and Fire" and "Motherland."She received her M.F.A. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she studied under a Randall Jarrell Fellowship. She is a native of Vermont and lives with her husband in Los Angeles, California.
Still Lives von Maria Hummel
Still LivesMaria Hummel
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Still Lives von Maria Hummel
Still LivesMaria Hummel
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Still Lives von Maria Hummel
Still LivesMaria Hummel
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Lesson In Red von Maria Hummel
Lesson In RedMaria Hummel
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Lesson In Red von Maria Hummel
Lesson In RedMaria Hummel
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Still Lives von Maria Hummel
Still LivesMaria Hummel
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