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Bücher von Mark Channon

Mark Channon (London, UK) originally trained as an actor, before becoming one of the first 8 people in the world to become a Grand Master of Memory in the 1995 World Memory Championships. He has worked as a trainer and coach for over 15 years, running seminars for organisations such as Rothschild, Lincoln National and the BBC in Memory, Mind Mapping and Creativity. He is also a Product Manager for the BBC and has created several shows, including a memory gameshow.
The Memory Workbook: Teach Yourself von Mark Channon
The Memory Workbook: Teach YourselfMark Channon
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Improve Your Memory von Mark Channon
Improve Your MemoryMark Channon
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Teach Yourself Improve Your Memory von Mark Channon
Teach Yourself Improve Your MemoryMark Channon
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