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Bücher von Mark Stavish

Mark Stavish (Pennsylvania) has been a long-time student of esotericism and is a frequent lecturer on ancient occult knowledge. Founder of the Institute for Hermetic Studies, he is the author of numerous articles on Western esotericism. In 2001 he established the Louis Claude de St. Martin Fund, a non-profit dedicated to advancing the study and practice of Western Esotericism. He has also served as a consultant to print and broadcast media and several documentaries. He holds undergraduate degrees in Theology and Communications and a Master's in Counseling.

Kabbalah for Health and Wellness von Mark Stavish
Kabbalah for Health and WellnessMark Stavish
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Freemasonry von Mark Stavish
FreemasonryMark Stavish
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Meditations and Rituals von Mark Stavish
Meditations and RitualsMark Stavish
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Path of Alchemy von Mark Stavish
Path of AlchemyMark Stavish
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