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Bücher von Nat McBride

Nat McBride is the son of prodigious Made Simple author and series editor PK McBride. He has been trying desperately NOT to follow in his father's footsteps having seen how late into the night he works... but appears not to have succeeded very well! He grew up surrounded by computers, remembers single-digit birthday banners produced on old ZX81 silver-paper printers, which made a noise like grinding gears and left a smell of burned metal hanging in the air, and after a brief foray into publishing, came home to internet work. He is now involved in producing a new website aimed at older users of the internet, called www.myhairnet.com Nat lives in Tooting, South London, and enjoys cooking, eating and drinking - whenever he can persuade anyone else that Tooting is close enough to visit for dinner... In summer he can also often be found nursing grazed knees with other rollerbladers in the park. Nat is the author of these Made Simple books: FrontPage 97 Front Page 2000 HTML 4.0 (co-author)