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Unsere Operationen sind klimaneutral

Bücher von Neil Wellappili

Between us, we studied at University College, Bart's and Cambridge medical schools. We are currently working in Foundation jobs. We re-member as students how challenging neuroscience can be and our focus in writing this book has been to provide candidates with clear and com-prehensive explanations. Revising for our finals, we benefited from working together, particularly OSCE scenarios. One of the best ways to learn, which we discovered to our cost, is to fall on your face. We arrived at the study techniques out-lined in this book through our mishaps; using them to learn common neuroscience conditions will help you get through your medical school exams more smoothly. We all comfortably passed our clinical neuroscience exams, one with a merit (he doesn't like to boast though). Dr Paul Hughes studied medicine at the Welsh National School of Medi-cine. He was appointed Consultant Neurologist at Hurstwood Park Neu-rological Hospital in 1994. He is a Surgeon Captain in the Royal Naval Reserve and is the Specialist Adviser in Neurology to the Royal Navy. Dr Peter Raven studied medicine at University College London. He is the Faculty Tutor (Biomedical Sciences) and Deputy Director of Medical Edu-cation at the Royal Free and University College Medical School as well as an honorary consultant psychiatrist for Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust.